If you have any questions or inquiries regarding a development appeal, or the development appeal board hearing process, please contact us by email or call the main desk and ask to speak to a development appeal board clerk.
Development Notices are advertised in the Okotoks Western Wheel newspaper. Copies of these advertisements are posted on this website and are accessed using the links below.
The file for each development permit application can be made available upon request. Should you wish to review a file or should you have any questions, please contact our Planning & Development Department at Telephone: (403) 652-2341 or email us.
Submitting an Appeal to the Development Appeal Board
Pursuant to Section 685(2) of the Municipal Government Act, any person affected by these decisions may submit an appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) Clerk. Should you choose to submit an appeal, please complete the Notice of Development Appeal Form, which can be obtained from our website, www.FoothillsCountyAB.ca or emailed/faxed out upon request. Alternatively, you can submit a letter outlining your appeal, which must contain the following information:
- the Development Permit File Number (i.e. 20D 000) that you are appealing;
- detailed reasons for appealing; and
- your full name (printed and signature), legal description, mailing address, and phone number
Appeals must be received by the SDAB Clerk by the deadline and must be accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee. The appeal fee will be refunded following the hearing if there is record that the appellant or someone authorized to act on behalf of the appellant was in attendance at the scheduled appeal hearing.
Email (scanned or fillable pdf) or
Fax: 403-652-7880 or
Mail/Deliver: SDAB Clerk, Foothills County, 309 Macleod Trail S, Box 5605, High River, AB, T1V 1M7
Notes: For email submissions, if you do not receive a reply email from our office confirming receipt of your submission, please contact the SDAB Clerk immediately (403) 603-6227. The notice of appeal form may be mailed, but if it is received after the appeal deadline, the appeal will be invalid.
The following Development Permit has been approved subject to certain conditions and subject to a 21-day appeal period. Appeals must be received by the SDAB Clerk no later than 4:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 6, 2025, and must be accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee. The appeal fee will be refunded following the hearing if there is record that the appellant or someone authorized to act on behalf of the appellant attended the scheduled appeal hearing. |
Development Permit Application 24D 220 Ptn. E 20-20-26 W4M; Plan 1312160, Block 3, Lot 1 Relaxation of Number and Cumulative Size and Relaxation of Setbacks of Accessory Buildings County Contact- Stacey Kotlar- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
The following Development Permit has been approved subject to certain conditions and subject to a 21-day appeal period. Appeals must be received by the SDAB Clerk no later than 4:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 13, 2025, and must be accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee. The appeal fee will be refunded following the hearing if there is record that the appellant or someone authorized to act on behalf of the appellant attended the scheduled appeal hearing. |
Development Permit Application 25D 004 Ptn. E 20-22-02 W5M; Plan 1012973, Block 10, Lot 16 Ground Mount Solar Power System, Private County Contact- Brittany Smith- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
Development Permit Application 24D 250 Ptn. NW 01-22-01 W5M; Plan 2311381, Block 1, Lot 9 Single Family Dwelling with Attached Oversized Garage on RC-A County Contact- Stacey Kotlar- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
Development Permit Application 24D 264 Ptn. NE 20-21-28 W4M; Plan 2310409, Block 1, Lot 1 Single Family Dwelling with Attached Oversized Garage on CR-A Parcel County Contact- Melanie Michaud- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
Development Permit Application 25D 008 Ptn. SE 03-22-29 W4M; Plan 5832JK, Block 3 Oversized Secondary Suite, Detached & Additional Accessory Buildings County Contact- Brittany Domenjoz- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
Development Permit Application 25D 007 Ptn. SW 06-20-27 W4M; Plan 0212444, Block 1, Lot 1 Oversized Secondary Suite, Detached County Contact- Brittany Domenjoz- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
The following Development Permit has been approved subject to certain conditions and subject to a 21-day appeal period. Appeals must be received by the SDAB Clerk no later than 4:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 20, 2025, and must be accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee. The appeal fee will be refunded following the hearing if there is record that the appellant or someone authorized to act on behalf of the appellant attended the scheduled appeal hearing. |
Development Permit Application 25D 001 Ptn. SE 09-21-29 W4M; Plan 1212516, Block 2, Lot 4 Ground Mount Solar Power System, Private County Contact- Stacey Kotlar- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
The following Development Permits have been approved subject to certain conditions and subject to a 21-day appeal period. Appeals must be received by the SDAB Clerk no later than 4:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 27, 2025, and must be accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee. The appeal fee will be refunded following the hearing if there is record that the appellant or someone authorized to act on behalf of the appellant attended the scheduled appeal hearing. |
Development Permit Application 25D 003 Ptn. SE 20-20-01 W5M; Plan 2411848, Block 1, Lot 3 Single Family Dwelling with an Oversized Attached Garage on CR-A Lot County Contact- Melanie Michaud- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
Development Permit Application 24D 252 Ptn. NW 17-18-03 W5M Dwelling, Moved On County Contact- Brenda Bartnik- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
Development Permit Application 25D 002 Ptn. NW 07-20-28 W4M; Plan 9910968, Block A, Lot 3 Industry, General County Contact- Brenda Bartnik- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |
Development Permit Application 25D 018 Ptn. SE 14-21-01 W5M; Plan 2411313, Block 2, Lot 3 Single Family Dwelling with an Attached Oversized Garage County Contact- Brenda Bartnik- Development Officer Circulation File (Notice of Approval, Development Permit Decision, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Notice of Appeal Form) |