Education taxes
Education property taxes support an education system that is producing the workforce of tomorrow. All Albertans benefit from a quality education system - whether or not they have children in school. Foothills County is required by legislation to collect taxes on behalf of the Provincial Government. Land owners must pay education taxes on property owned in every municipality in the Province. Inquiries pertaining to Education taxes should be directed to:
- Alberta School Foundation Fund
- Foothills School Division No. 38
- Christ the Redeemer School Division No. 3
Do seniors have to pay Education Property Taxes?
Seniors who own property must pay education property taxes. The provincial Education Property Tax Assistance program provides an annual rebate to senior homeowners who have an increase in the education portion of their property taxes. The Government of Alberta also provides financial assistance to low-income seniors through the Alberta Seniors Benefit.
Do school support forms have to be filled out each year?
If you have previously notified Foothills County of your choice of school support and you see that your Combined Assessment and Tax Notice is reporting that declaration correctly, there is no need to send in another school support declaration. The Alberta School Act provides that, where both a Public and a Separate School District exist in the same area, all individuals who are Roman Catholic must direct their taxes in support of schools to the Catholic School District. All other individuals must direct their taxes in support of schools to the Public School District. These conditions apply only to property within the Separate School District. Education taxes on property outside of the Separate School District are directed to the Public School District. If this School Support is undeclared, the Education portion of your property taxes will be directed to the Alberta School Foundation Fund and redistributed on an equal amount per student to public and separate school boards in Alberta.