On January 31, 2024, Council granted 2nd and 3rd reading to Bylaw 68/2023, adopting amendments to the Land Use Bylaw pertaining to Secondary Suites.
These amendments expanded the allowances for Secondary Suites within Foothills County to parcels under 2 acres in size and within most Hamlet boundaries. Based on feedback from the residents of the Hamlets of Heritage Pointe and Priddis Greens, Secondary Suites are still not permitted within these communities.
Some of the amendments included under Bylaw 68/2023 are as follows:
- Provide for Secondary Suites on parcels under 2 acres in size and within Hamlet boundaries (except Heritage Pointe and Priddis Greens).
- Allow stand-alone Secondary Suites (Secondary Suite, Detached).
- Increase maximum allowable size for Secondary Suites across the municipality.
- Increase flexibility for the size requirements pertaining to Secondary Suite, Principal within the basement of principal dwelling or above an attached garage.
- Removed the minimum size restriction for Secondary Suites.
- Added provisions to allow for some Manufactured and Mobile homes to be used as Secondary Suites (see details).
- Included servicing provisions for Secondary Suites within the Land Use Bylaw.
- Secondary Suites added to the lists of permitted or discretionary uses in additional land use districts.
To review a copy of Bylaw 68/2023 adopted by Council January 31, 2024, containing the amendments to the Land Use Bylaw click here.
The “Secondary Suites in Foothills County Information Guide” includes information on what is allowed for Secondary Suites in Foothills County, application requirements and processes, and servicing provisions. To review of copy of the information guide, click here.
A copy of the updated Land Use Bylaw can be reviewed here.
To apply for a Secondary Suite, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Background Information
Planning Staff initiated a review of Secondary Suites policies in Foothills County in the Spring of 2023.
The current provisions for Secondary Suites have been in implementation for four years. It is time for the County to review the provisions, engage the residents, and see what is working, what is not working, and how we could do better.
We conducted a Preliminary Hamlet Survey by direct mail-out to landowners within County hamlets in March 2023 to see if there was a desire for Secondary Suites in Hamlets of Foothills County. The results of the preliminary hamlet survey can be found HERE.
Based on the feedback received from the preliminary hamlet survey, staff suggest that there is not sufficient support to allow for Secondary Suites in the Hamlets of Heritage Pointe and Priddis Greens. As such, we have not recommended allowing for Secondary Suites in these communities moving forward.
In May, we proceeded with a series of Open Houses and a County wide survey to engage Foothills County residents and get feedback on what is currently working and what could be improved with Secondary Suites in Foothills County. We asked about preferred types of suites, appropriate sizes for suites, and potential updated provisions to reduce challenges and improve implementation on both parcels within hamlets (excluding Heritage Pointe and Priddis Greens) as well as parcels outside of hamlet boundaries. The survey was available at the open houses as well as online for those who were unable to attend the Open Houses.
A copy of the Open House and follow-up summary of “What We Heard” can be found HERE.
Based on the feedback we have received; we proceeded to a public hearing for draft land use bylaw amendments for Secondary Suites on November 15, 2023.
Below is the proposed process and timeline for our review on Secondary Suites.

A series of three open houses were held throughout the County for review on the Secondary Suite policy. The following open houses were held:
- Tuesday, May 2, 2023, Dewinton Community Hall - 4 pm to 7 pm
- Thursday, May 4, 2023, Priddis Community Hall - 4 pm to 7 pm
Tuesday, May 9, 2023, Foothills Administration Building Council Chambers - 4 pm to 7 pm
The Open houses were designed to provide County residents with information on:
- Implementation of Secondary Suites in Foothills County since 2019.
- Important requirements and how to apply for a Secondary Suite.
- Current rules and regulations for Secondary Suites.
- Changes being considered and policy review topics.
- Benefits, challenges, and suggested solutions.
- Preliminary Hamlet Survey results and considerations for Secondary Suites in Hamlets.
- The policy review process and anticipated next steps.
- How to provide feedback on our Secondary Suite policy review in Foothills County.
The number of residents in attendance at the open houses was very low (approximately 15 residents in total).
Surveys were available for completion at the open houses and residents that were unable to attend were encouraged to complete the online survey on the County website. The online survey was available from May 2, 2023, and remained open for responses until the end of day May 23, 2023. We received 106 completed surveys.
There were two separate surveys, one for residents within Hamlets, and one for residents living outside of Hamlet boundaries in Foothills County.
The survey questions were separated into four sections based on our policy review as follows:
- Forms of Secondary Suites
- Sizes of Secondary Suites
- Where Secondary Suites are slowed in the County
- Challenges and solutions
A copy of the Open House summary of “What We Heard” can be found HERE.
The County has created a Secondary Suite Registry that identifies all Secondary Suites that have received the appropriate approvals from the County.
The registry includes all of the Secondary Suites in Foothills County that have completed the approval process and have been confirmed for occupancy.
This online registry allows all prospective tenants, landowners, realtors, and other interested parties to search permitted Secondary Suites located in the County.
Some applications have been conditionally approved and are working towards final issuance of their Development Permit.
Allowing for Secondary Suites on residential properties within Hamlet boundaries or in smaller parcel communities may be considered by Council in the future.
What is a secondary suite?
A Secondary Suite is a subordinate dwelling unit located on a parcel, in addition to the principal dwelling unit, which constitutes a self-contained living accommodation unit comprised of kitchen facilities, sleeping amenities, and washroom facilities consisting of a full bathroom including tub and/or shower fixture and has a separate entrance or includes a door which can be physically closed or locked off from the remainder of the principal dwelling.
Phase 1 of Secondary Suites - Bylaw 08/2019: Previous Updates
Foothills County Council has moved forward with Phase 1 of accommodating Secondary Suites in Foothills County after an extensive public engagement process. Phase 1 explored Secondary Suites on Agricultural District, Agricultural Business District, and Country Residential District parcels outside of Hamlet Boundaries in the County. We have developed Land Use Bylaw provisions in accordance with what we heard from the Phase 1 public engagement process.
Exploring Secondary Suites on smaller parcels and parcels within Hamlet boundaries in Foothills County, may be considered in the future after additional public engagement.
Previously allowed under Bylaw 08/2019 - Phase I Secondary Suites: