Dust Control - Spot Treatment Program
Public Works: 403-652-2390, 8 am - 4 pm, Monday - Friday
Policy Statement (ADC-DUS-1, May 10, 2017)
Residents who have a home located within 300 meters of a county road may apply for 100 meters of dust control spot treatment free of charge. Residents who have previously applied for this program remain within the Foothills County spot treatment data base and do not need to re-apply. All existing dust control treatment spots are evaluated annually. Dust control spots that are still intact and functioning as intended will have no further application until the spot treatment has reach the end of its life-cycle. The deadline date for new dust control requests is July 31 of the current year. Residents that are more than 300 meters from a county road will not qualify for this program, however, a formal request may be made to Foothills County Council for a relaxation of the 300 meter setback.
The following situations will permit the Foothills County Public Works department to apply an additional 100 m of dust control spot treatment on an adjacent county road at the landowners sole cost:
- Any parcel of land adjacent to gravel road, where the primary residence is within 150 meters of the centerline of a county road may request an additional 100 meters of dust control be applied at their sole cost. Residents who do not meet the 150 meter setback may make a formal request to Foothills County Council for a relaxation of this setback.
- All requests for additional dust control spot treatment must be submitted by June 30 of the current year. The cost for an additional 100 meters of dust control will be $1,200 per 100 meter application (this cost is subject to market prices). Residents who request and are willing to pay for more than 100 meters of additional dust control will be required to make a formal request to Foothills County Council.
- The county shall not accept any claim to compensate/repair/restore a dust control spot treatment as a result of any activity that may damage the spot treatment. It is understood that the county reserves the right to return any spot treatment back to gravel if the Public Works department determines the spot treatment is a road hazard.
- Upon request from a landowner who resides at an intersection, Public Works may consider an additional 100 meters of dust control spot treatment be applied at the county's expense, providing the parcel meets with the existing setbacks as outlined in Section No. 1 of this policy.
- For locations where two or more dust control treatment spots exist with a gap no greater than 300 meters between them, additional treatment may be applied to join them together. This will only occur at the discretion of the Director of Public Works or designate and at the county's expense.