The Foothills County Planning Department was tasked with implementation of the community's vision for the area we call home. That vision is determined through public consultation. In 2010 the Foothills County planning department worked with a steering committee made up of representatives from the public to review and update our Municipal Development Plan - the result of this process is MDP2010. This document outlines a comprehensive vision for the County addressing the type of development that is desired and some of the important characteristics of the area that members of the community feel are worth preserving and protecting.
Our Vision
The Vision for Foothills County, as stated in MDP2010, is as follows:
"The MD of Foothills encompasses a diverse rural landscape in which leadership and planning support a strong agricultural heritage, vibrant communities, a balanced economy and the stewardship of natural capital for future generations."
To uphold this vision the planning staff at the MD develop statutory and non-statutory plans, policies and by-laws, which, once approved by Council assist in promoting orderly and beneficial long term growth, promoting and protecting the public interest and maintaining or improving the quality of the physical environment. Most times additional public consultation will be undertaken in the development of these plans policies and by-laws
Planning staff at the MD are also charged with the reviewing and processing of applications from landowners and developers for re-zoning, subdivision and development. Planning staff present the information to Council, who are charged with making decisions that are in the best interest of the municipality as a whole. It should be noted that planning staff do not advise or make recommendations to Council, and that it is Council that approves or refuses all applications.