Category: Policy/Publication
Category: Plan
Location: Northwest of Priddis
Legal Land Description: Ptn. NE 32-22-3-W5M
Adopted: July 8th, 2004, Bylaw 27/2004
Boundary adjustment and consolidation between existing CR lot and balance lands to create on 22 acre lot
4 CR lots
MR lot of approximately…
Category: Policy/Publication
Category: Plan
Location: East of Okotoks overpass, south of Highway #552
Legal Land Description: N.E. 23-21-29-W4M
Adopted: September 15th, 2005, Bylaw 62/2005
11 CR lots in 2 phases
1 MR lot
1 A balance lot of 21.1 acres
Category: Policy/Publication
Category: Plan
Location: Northwest of Okotoks near the Calgary Polo Club
Legal Land Description: Ptn. N ½ 11, S ½ 14, NE 14, W ½ 12, 21-01-W5M
Adopted: Sept. 11, 2003, Bylaw 52/2003
Amended: Nov 6, 2008, Bylaw 137/2008
Protection of Polo Club and Strathcona…
Category: Policy/Publication
Category: Plan
Location: East of the Okotoks overpass, north of Highway#552
Legal Land Description: S.E. 28-21-28-W4M
Adopted: January 4, 2001, Bylaw 199/2000
15 Country Residential Lots
1 Agricultural Lot
1 Municipal Reserve Lot
Location: North of Highway #22X, east of intersection with Highway #22
Legal Land Description: Ptn. NE 30-22-02-W5M
Adopted: March 22, 2007, Bylaw 208/2006
5 CR Lots in 3 Phases
1 MR and 1 ER
Agricultural Balance
Category: Plan
Location: East of Highway #22, north of Plumbers Road
Legal Land Description: Ptn. S.E. 01-22-03-W5M
Adopted: May 2002, Bylaw 31/2002
6 Country Residential Lots
1 Municipal Reserve Lot
2 Environmental Reserve Lots
Category: Plan
Location: East of Okotoks overpass, south of Highway #552
Legal Land Description: W ½ 23-21-29-W4
Adopted: August 30th, 2007, Bylaw 71/2007
38 CR lots
2 MR lots
1 ER lot